Being: Beyond the mind.


A lot of my personal journey and work with clients has lately been around the beautiful subject of “being”. While I have enjoyed this immensely, it has also posed some difficult challenges, which have primarily been around the concept of understanding and explaining something that exists beyond the mind. What I mean by this, is that I see the mind as a limited area, kind of like a box, placed in an infinite expanse of energy. This infinite expanse of energy is our true, infinite self or what I call Infinity. When we are truly “being”, putting down all of the thoughts and actions associated with the mind and ego (a construct of the mind), we are accessing that truest part of who we are… we are automatically being Infinity.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for the mind to be able to comprehend and translate exactly what being is and even more difficult to tell someone how to get there. In fact, I would say that it is impossible because the final “step” of the journey exists beyond what the mind is capable of understanding. This is the “bad” news. Basically, your mind will never truly understand how to be or what being is. It is simply not possible because the mind cannot itself “be” and something so very limited cannot truly know something that is infinite. So it is a good thing that you are not your mind!

The help then comes in being able to bring you to the edge of the box that is the mind. Working through your limiting beliefs, bad habits, programming and unresolved emotional issues all play their part. Think of it like pointing you towards where you will have your own realisation of being. And the wonderful news is that once you allow the mind to get out of the way, the final step to being will always just happen and you won’t be able to miss it!

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Feel the Heart.


Relax into being.