Healing Sessions.
Healing Sessions are intuitively guided psychic energy sessions, where high frequency light energy works with the body’s natural energetic systems to clear, stabilise, balance and repair the energetic fields (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
Healing sessions can assist with a variety of different issues, such as:
Physical body ailments (illness, injury etc)
Anxiety and depression
Stuck, unresolved emotions (anger, guilt, shame etc)
Aura and energy field damage
Chakra imbalance and energetic blocks
Psychic and intuitive blocks and restrictions
Healing Sessions can be conducted with or without a specific intention. Without an intention, the session will be a general healing session, where the energy will be intuitively guided to the areas most in need at that time.
Healing Sessions are offered via Distance / Remote (PLEASE NOTE: There is no contact for the duration of the session, either on Zoom or telephone): This means that you can just lie back and relax in your own space, and simply allow yourself to receive the healing. The session lasts approximately 30 minutes (you may want to take longer to rest and integrate after the session is complete). You will also be sent a brief email after the session is complete, which will include any information I am guided to pass on. Please use the form below to book your appointment, clearing stating the issue to be worked on or your intention for the session (if there is no specific issue or intention, then please just state “general healing”). Thank you!