Five Days of Healing.

The Five Days of Healing service simply means that you receive healing, every day, for five consecutive days. This enables a much more comprehensive and complete healing, due to your energetic bodies getting valuable integration time in between sessions, allowing your internal energies to process the healing and settle before the next session is completed.

Each daily healing lasts 15 minutes, totalling a powerful 75 minutes healing, spread over the five days.

Due to the healing sessions being only 15 minutes in length and the total healing being spread over the five days, there is no need to book individual sessions times. The healing will be given to you in accordance with your higher self and spirit guides, at an energetically convenient and safe time on each day.

This is a general healing service. I will be intuitively guided to work on whatever is for your highest good at the time, including but not limited to the aura, the physical body, the chakra system, emotional and mental energetic bodies etc.

The Five Days of Healing will start every Monday. This means that the cut-off time to book for the coming Monday is 11.59pm UK time on the Sunday (the day before).

You will receive an email each day confirming that your healing has been completed, with a brief write up coming after the final (day five) session.

This is not a group service. You will receive a personal healing session, just like in my Healing Sessions service.

Click here for general information on Healing Sessions, if you’d like to work on something specific or just to book a single Healing Session.

Five Days of Healing