Vulnerability is a strength.


I have spent much of my life living from a place of self-defence. My intuitive “guess” is that you probably have, too. From a very early age, as we develop our sense of self, the ego we develop with it has a very strong and distinct desire to defend and protect itself. It can even be argued that the sole purpose of the ego is actually self-preservation. I’m sure that many of you will be aware of how open children can be compared to us “battle-hardened” adults and this is because they feel less of a desire to build those walls of protection, as their ego is much less prevalent at this stage in their journey.

I know from personal experience that carefully building and maintaining these supposed layers of protection can be incredibly tiring. Not only that, but the more we box ourselves in, the less free we are to enjoy our life. Through my experiences as a child, I learnt to carefully calculate the consequences of my actions, placing all of my actions firmly in the mental pile. What I mean by this is that I wouldn’t usually do something unless it was carefully thought through and the risks and rewards carefully weighed up. Living from the heart became non-existent, as I was so orientated by my mind and mental energetic body. Instead of following my heart, I would follow my mind. This, as you would probably expect, did not lead me to make many “happy” choices during my adult life and most of the time I was subconsciously protecting myself from things that I didn’t need to, causing more pain and suffering along the way.

The antidote to healing these layers of ego imposed, unnecessary protection is to consciously allow yourself to be vulnerable. This can be scary and sometimes incredibly overwhelming, but once you do, you will begin to understand the powerful truth that vulnerability is a strength. This is exactly why children are usually much more psychically open and in tune with the part of reality that we cannot physically see. Now imagine if you were able to combine the freedom and powerful vulnerability of a child, with the great wisdom and knowledge that you have gained with age. Do you understand how powerful that would be?!

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Make a choice.


Signs from the universe.