Make a choice.
One of the biggest reasons for “failure” is not that we make the wrong choice, but rather, that we fail to ever truly make a choice in the first place.
Making a choice isn’t simply about saying “I choose this” or “I choose that”, it is about allowing yourself to feel it within every single cell of your being. It’s about that inner knowing that this is something that is truly and deeply important to you. It’s about understanding that you will not allow anything to get in your way… and by “anything” I mean yourself!
When we make a choice, no matter how scared we are and how much fear it brings up inside, the universe will work to bring us what we are choosing (as long as it in alignment with our soul path). This may simply be in the form showing us our related fears and giving us opportunities to take the necessary steps to overcome them. When we make a choice, we focus our creative energy to bring ourselves into alignment with what we are trying to create. Anything and everything that keeps us out of alignment, must be released. But by making a choice, we are taking the first and most important step to creating what we want to create! And remember, in each and every moment, we have a new opportunity to make a choice.
In this moment, I choose freedom.
In this moment, I choose peace.
In this moment, I choose to be the truest version of myself I can be.
So in this moment, I choose love.
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