Spirit the cat.
This is a special series of teachings specifically from our beloved animal companions. Animals often have lots to say and when we are able to listen we can learn a huge amount from their wisdom. In this series, I will be using animal communication to “talk” with a variety of animals to see what they have to say.
I communicate with animals energetically and this can come through in the form of images, feelings, sounds and more. Therefore, I will translate for the purpose of this teaching. Sometimes I speak directly to the animal, but for the purpose of higher teachings, it is usually the soul of the animal that wishes to communicate.
This communication is from Spirit. He is a very wise soul, that has chosen to be with us at this time as a cat, and, who very recently, has been enlightening us more and more with his knowledge.
Immediately he is guiding me to open my heart to connect with him on a deeper level. He wants to ensure that I really feel and hear this message through the heart. He tells me to take my time because there is no rush and to enjoy the moment. He is saying this with a leading energy, giving me a clue as to what he wants to communicate.
Eventually, when he feels I’m ready, he shows me that I, and everyone else, spend so much time living in the future. This time is used living in a reality that does not yet exist, and we then miss most of what the present moment has to offer. He then shows me an image of a human actually noticing everything around him for the first time and being filled with absolute wonder.
We imagine outcomes to situation and scenarios that will likely never exist. He says that this wouldn’t be so bad if it was positive (like daydreaming), but the heavy majority is “worst-case scenario” situations. He says it’s like we are planning for an apocalypse that never comes!
To be free we need to let go of this time-based reality that we create, at least the part of it that is just in our head. Everything exists within the present moment and will only ever do so.
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