Tips for enlightenment.
I would firstly like to preface this teaching by stating that the infinite journey of enlightenment is a very personal one, and as such, there is no “one size fits all” approach. However, I feel that I have enough experience within self-realisation, to be able to humbly share three tips that I would personally call essential to my own journey so far.
I would also like to share that I have one simple intention for my existence and that is to be all that I can be. What I mean by this is that I wish to be the purest expression of my true self in each and every moment. The reason why I have shared this is because this is an intention from my soul. These tips can, I’m sure, be applied to many other intentions, but to find an intention that resonates so perfectly with the soul will only enhance your determination to succeed. If your intention is based within the ego, then it will be limited because of the limitations of the ego. With that being said, please read on with an open mind and an open heart.
Tip 1: Believe in yourself and / or a higher aspect
It doesn’t matter exactly what you believe in, as long as you believe in it fully. This may seem like a controversial statement, but it’s really not. It’s not what you believe in, but the belief itself that will carry you towards your destination. My beliefs have changed throughout my journey, forming a deeper understanding of infinity / god / goddess / the universe / the self, however, the part that made the most difference was how much I allowed myself to believe in each moment. Whether I was believing fully in myself, sharing the self belief with a belief in a higher aspect or giving all of my belief to the higher aspect in a moment of pure surrender, the stronger my belief, the more I was able to stride forward on my journey. Believe and trust that you have everything that you need to succeed in whatever direction you are taken by your soul. Believe and trust that you can do anything, whether you think you need the help of a higher power or not. Believe that you are enough. Believe it fully. I feel guided to share that I personally feel that believing in yourself is believing in infinity and believing in infinity is believing in yourself.
Tip 2: Be willing to do what it takes
This path can be absolutely daunting at times and you will be called to face your deepest fears and parts of yourself that you do not consciously know exist. Know that if you hold back with any part of yourself, then you are unlikely to succeed in your intention in the capacity that you wish to. Your journey will always try to lead you to realisations necessary for awakening / enlightenment / healing, but as I’m sure you are aware, many people spend their whole life simply not seeing the signs. Many people, even within the spiritual community, also create blind spots with the aspects they are unwilling to face and for that I have nothing but compassion. I avoided parts of myself for for a long time until it came to the point where I really had to make a choice or I faced losing everything. It was a dark time in my life that I created to learn from and if I hadn’t, then maybe I would never have changed what I needed to. I’ve since learnt that if you are willing to do what it takes to create your soul based intention, then you will be open to all truths and all possibilities, no matter how difficult to see and accept. This will ensure that when the universe presents an opportunity to grow, you are ready to see the truth and to face what you need to.
Tip 3: Take full responsibility for your reality
Your external reality is a reflection of your internal state of being (I know I say this often). Everything that you experience in your external reality exists somewhere within you. So essentially, you are your reality. Many people find this difficult to accept because we don’t like to admit that we are the cause of all the problems that we perceive in our reality (what we create). If you experience hate, it is because hate exists within you and I like to see it as an invitation by the universe to take a look within and to follow the emotions and understanding back to a place of unconditional love. It is not advisable to hide or deny that this aspect exists within you, as this simply creates more disharmony and imbalance. Also, and perhaps more importantly, it is not so that you can judge yourself negatively as a lot of people have learnt to do. This isn’t about blame (we are all the same) and by denying any aspect of your reality, you are just giving away your power. Whether it is light or dark, internal or external, others or the self, it is all one and the same. Everything you perceive is you. So take full responsibility for your reality and in doing so, take back your power and learn to use it to create from a place of unconditional love. This will change everything.
Thank you for reading and I wish you much love on your journey.
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