

We are all searching.

Many people spend a lifetime searching in relationships, jobs, hobbies, money, power, fame etc. for something that they will never find in these places. To seek in these will only lead to feeling unfulfilled and the continuation of the burning desire many of us consciously and subconsciously feel to search. Of course, many people are only searching in these places because they do not understand what it is that they are looking for, so they are drawn to experiences that provide them with an often temporary feeling of happiness, love, security, peace and fulfilment. But there is only one thing that can provide all of these in abundance.

What we are all really searching for, whether we realise it or not, is our true self. No amount of money, fame or power can ever provide the same experience as truly knowing yourself. So the rich continue their search. The powerful continue their search. Those loved by millions across the world continue their search all the same. And those with everything and more often still realise that they truly have nothing.

So if you feel compelled to search, as so many people do, then go within. It is the only place you will ever “find” what you are really looking for and it will be everything you want and so much more.

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My experience of reality.


Growing into infinity.